The Twilight Zone
Radio Drama

Twilight Zone Radio

In 2003, Jim performed in two episodes of “The Twilight Zone Radio Dramas”: “Back There” and “A Hundred Yards over the Rim”. The episodes were narrated by Stacy Keach.

“Back There” (Vol. 2 Ep 3)
Jim portrays ‘Peter Corrigan’, a man who questions the ability of someone to travel into the past and change pivotal moments in history. Walking home after an intriguing discussion of time manipulation with friends at a bar, ‘Peter’ finds himself mysteriously transported back to April 14, 1865 – the day of President Lincoln’s assassination. Determined to change history, ‘Peter’ tries to spare the Nation grief by rewriting Lincoln’s fate. He soon discovers that some events can be manipulated but not always as you intended.

“A Hundred Yards over the Rim” (Vol. 3, Ep 3)
Jim portrays ‘Chris Horn’ who in 1847 leads a small wagon train from Ohio in search of California. ‘Chris’ must keep the members of the group focused on reaching California while everyone is starving, dehydrated, and his own son deathly ill. Desperate and determined to give everyone hope, ‘Chris’ ventures over a hill in search of water and food and finds himself on the side of a highway in New Mexico in 1961. Confused but helped by strangers, ‘Chris’ eventually realizes his destiny and fights to return to his family in 1847.

The “Twilight Zone Radio Dramas” were produced for the British station BBC Radio 4 Extra from 2002 to 2012. Many stories was based on the original Rod Serling’s script but where updated to reflect today’s technology and ideals.

These episodes were such a 🥳 FUN 🥳 find. Both are well done and easy to listen to – Jim’s voice is always amazing to hear. I have also been a fan of “The Twilight Zone” since I was a kid – the original shows 😳😣 … it’s been a while. My biggest issue was that I find Jim’s voice to be relaxing and soothing … but, even though I enjoy it, “The Twilight Zone” stories have always given me anxiety. 😬🤷‍♀️ It was a interesting mix for me – but, I loved it! I highly recommend this if you love Jim and “The Twilight Zone”. 🥰

Both episodes of “The Twilight Zone Radio Drama” can be purchased on Amazon’s site. Log into your account, search on “Twilight Zone Radio Caviezel” and the episodes will pop up.

The episodes can also be found on YouTube. Search on “Twilight Zone Radio Drama Back There” or “Twilight Zone Radio Hundred Yards Over the Rim” to find links to listen.

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