Jim Caviezel Gallery

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Beverlee Dean and John Kirby have been beloved pivotal influences providing support and helping to guide Jim’s professional career. Jim talks of both with deep affection, appreciation, and respect for their assistance on his professional journey.

Prior to passing in 2017, Beverlee Dean worked as a Hollywood manager and casting executive. She discovered and helped guide the careers of stars like Jim Caviezel and Reese Witherspoon.

In 2006, Jim participated in a Speed Channel reality tv show, “Payback”, where he had a Cadillac customized as a gift to Ms. Dean as a token of his love and appreciation for her support and help through his career. The “Payback” episode can be viewed below and provides sweet insight into Jim and Ms. Dean’s relationship through their years together. (The video quality isn’t the best but it is definitely worth viewing.)

John Kirby, a prominent and popular acting teacher, has been Jim’s beloved acting coach since around 1990. Mr. Kirby has worked with many actors on a wide range of films, and, through the years, Mr. Kirby traveled to many film locations to work with Jim on different characters. According to interviews Jim has given, Mr. Kirby has been a source of not only acting mentorship but a source of strength in an unstable industry and an amazing supportive friend. Unfortunately, Mr. Kirby is currently dealing with ALS. Jim has worked with other students of Mr. Kirby to put together a fund-raising effort to help in the cost of his medical needs.

See the ‘About Jim’ section of the Home page for a wonderful video by Jim regarding Mr. Kirby. Below, view the “Payback” video Jim did for Beverlee Dean and read about Ms. Dean. Also, see pictures and post that Mr. Kirby shared through the years of his and Jim’s adventures.

🧡 Beverlee Dean 🧡
Jim's long-time Manager & friend

Season 1 Episode 2 (18 July 2006)
“Payback” a Speed Channel reality show that allowed celebrities
to give back to someone important in their lives.

Video can be found on Suzyki's YouTube Channel at Part 1 and Part 2.
Here the videos have been merged.

During her two-decade career as a Hollywood Manager and Casting Executive, Beverlee Dean had many fabulous clients; two notable clients that she discovered and helped guide their careers were Jim Caviezel and Reese Witherspoon. In the “Payback” episode (see above), she recounts her first meeting with Jim and how his audition blew her away.

Ms. Dean discovered Reese Witherspoon when Reese was 13 years old and helped cast Reese in her onscreen debut, “The Man in the Moon”. She also discovered other actors including Kevin Sorbo, Jeremy London, and Jason London.

After discovering Jim Caviezel, Ms. Dean served as Jim’s manager for over a decade. Jim described their relationship in the “Payback” episode, “It was like a mother-son thing. She never gave up on me, she always believed in me.”

Originally from Milwaukee, Ms. Dean had considered becoming a nun early on. After a grim cancer diagnosis followed by a miraculous remission that Ms. Dean, a devout Catholic, attributed to St. Anthony, she came to serve in another manner when in the 1960s, she worked at a Chicago LSD rescue center. There she dreamed of helping children to honor St. Anthony and worked to raise funds to launch the St. Anthony Hope Without Dope center in Colorado. Jim remembered her first warning to him when they met, “The first thing she ever said to me when I met with her was, ‘If you ever do drugs, you’re gone.”

In the late 60’s/early 70’s, Ms. Dean made the move to California in hopes of raising money needed for the center by creating game shows, a highly popular genre during the time. She spent a decade creating ABC game show pilots with talented actors embarking on their careers, such as Suzanne Somers and David Letterman. During this adventure, she found her way to help children, teens, and young adults when she began working with casting director, Shari Rhodes, to cast movies.

Switching directions, Ms. Dean established her own talent management firm and became “a safe haven” for young actors to grow their talent and learn how to navigate the pitfalls of Hollywood which included steering her clients away from drugs and protecting them from the “anything goes” raunchy job choices such as on-screen nudity. Her offices were always open for young actors to drop-in for advice on personal or career issues, to practice improv with other talents and potentially be seen by other producers/directors/casting agents, or to enjoy a tasty homemade pasta dinner.

On Nov. 21, 2017, Ms. Dean passed after a long battle with dementia.

“Beverlee Dean, Manager and Casting Executive, Dies at 79”
“She has faith in her charges”

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jim caviezel gallery dean
jim caviezel gallery dean
jim caviezel gallery dean
jim caviezel gallery dean
jim caviezel gallery dean
jim caviezel gallery dean

🎭 John Kirby 🎭
Jim's Acting Coach & friend
Pictures & Posts between 2001 - 2024

Posts from Kirby & others from Malta while filiming "Paul, Apostle of Christ" (2018)

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jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby

Pictures & Post from Kirby in Hawaii filming "Running for Grace" (2018)

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jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby

Various Pictures & Posts by John Kirby
Unfortunately, John Kirby is currently dealing with ALS. Jim has recorded a special message for John.
You can see the message on the Home page in the 'About Jim' section.

jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby

In Namibia, shooting "The Prisoner"

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jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby

Danny Galieote's Video
"Passion of the Christ"

Clip of Jim Speaking at John Kirby's
Studio Closing
Posted by: Paolo Saglietto

jim caviezel gallery kirby
jim caviezel gallery kirby